{on a grey & rainy weekend ...}

I'm in need of a little pick me up. This dose of neon yellow will probably be my only source of Vitamin D this weekend ...

Ahhh, just the happy pick-me-up I was looking for! Side note: I think I've had a recent epiphany! I've been aware that my posts have included a lot more fashion than usual in the last few weeks ... I think I figured out why. Not only am I longing for spring like every one else is ... I've been in my pj's a lot more than usual lately! Why you ask? Well, since starting to write my thesis last month I've been working from home ... for the first time since I went to kindergarten preschool! I'm not used to this, I normally get dressed and go every single day. So I think I'm itching for some fashion :) To all of you that regularly get up and get dressed to work from home each day I commend you!! That is not so easy to do.

Hope you enjoy the last bits of your weekend!


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