{sarah richardson's blue & white kitchen}

Ok, a quick follow-up to my last post on Sarah's newest show Real Potential. Thank you for weighing in with your thoughts & comments, I really appreciated hearing what you all thought of it!

I fully agree that the days of 'Design Inc.,' have been severely missed. And all of the decorating shows seem to be veering further towards real estate as a main focus! I want good ol' fashion design & décor, and it seems you do too. And PS. several of you mentioned missing Tommy ... I couldn't agree more; the network decided Sarah was the one with the real-life real estate background so it would be more of a fit for her alone. Tommy himself jokingly states that he's lost money on every real-estate move he's made!

Now the question will be, does the network actually accomplish the gain of male-viewers they are after, or will they simply lose the loyal female fans in the process? I guess time will tell. Sarah, you are still my design hero!! And for that reason I'm trying hard to focus on the last 5 mins of every episode which blasts the viewer with the decorating. Here's a gorgeous blue, white & brass kitchen from the latest episode, first the bare-bones before {so you can fully appreciate the afters!}:

And after {click to enlarge}:
Love all of the brass accents! And those slabs of marble look good enough to eat.  I'd love to hear your opinions :)


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